July 14th

drip hose

In order to thrive, all living things need water – including the plants in our family yards. But especially in the hot summer months, it’s important to be wise about the watering practices. Here are the TurfMutt Foundation’s top tips for watering your outdoor living room to keep it healthy and beautiful as we’re all spending more time at home this summer.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast
This first tip may seem obvious, but check the weather forecast to make sure rain isn’t expected on a day you’re planning to water. It’s always best to let nature do the job for you if possible!

Pick the right plants
Select the plants, trees and shrubs that are right for your climate. Picking the right plants for your environment (a.k.a. native plants) means they will be best suited for the moisture you typically get from Mother Nature. They are also most appropriate for supporting local pollinators – a win-win! 

Water wisely
Fight the urge to excessively water your lawn in the summer. When you do water, do so deeply so the moisture soaks into the roots of your plants. Also, water in the early morning or evening hours to avoid major evaporation that happens in the hottest part of the day.   

Get smart about your family lawn
Take the guesswork out of how much and how often to water by installing smart technologies like soil moisture sensors and drip irrigation. Let technology do the work for you, so you can simply sit back and enjoy your family yard!  

Let your grass go dormant
It’s important to remember that grass will turn brown when it goes dormant, but it’s not dead. Grass is resilient and will green up again when rains return. 

For more tips about how to care for your family lawn, go to TurfMutt.com.