July 1st

Camping backyard

COVID-19 restrictions mean many summer vacations have been put on hold. But the backyard isn’t cancelled! With a little planning, you can enjoy a great staycation in the safe space of your own piece of nature.

Check out this infographic for ideas.

Here are the TurfMutt Foundation’s tips for turning a trip to your backyard into a memorable family vacation destination.

Visualize: Make a plan for the activities you want to do with your family. Map out the activity zones, and then build excitement for bringing them to life. Be creative, and involve the whole family in the planning phase.

Prep & Plant: Make your yard the most inviting it can be by sprucing up the outdoor space. Mow the lawn, trim the bushes and add flowering plants for a pop of color.

Enjoy: Whether you are doing a backyard campout, BBQ, family picnic, or have turned your backyard into the best water park on the block, enjoy it! Spending time together as a family will build new memories to last a lifetime.

To learn more go to TurfMutt.com.