June 13th

We found this fact sheet from a Florida extension agent –  in a State that knows a thing or two about heat and landscapes.

Under the heading: Dormant Lawns Demand Little, the tips review how we can make some practical decisions to save water especially during times of heat and drought. 

The top tips are: 

Adjust the watering frequency to match actual need.

Adjust the timer so each zone receives ¾ inch of water.

 Fix the water wasters.

For those that are interested, what does dormancy mean?

Definition: Dormancy is a state of temporary metabolic inactivity or minimal activity. Plants generally go dormant in response to adverse growing conditions. For example: perennial plants going dormant for the winter or grass going dormant in intense heat. They stop growing and conserve energy until better cultural conditions present themselves. This happens naturally as seasons and weather changes. It can also be artificially controlled to store plants for shipping or to get them to flower for particular holidays. Forcing bulbs and flowering branches in the spring is a way of artificially breaking dormancy.