November 23rd

Pets are part of the family and are definitely something to be grateful for this holiday season. Especially during the pandemic, they offer companionship, joy and comfort. But it’s important to remember that not all Thanksgiving Day treats are safe for your pet.

Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure you and your pet have a safe howl-iday.

No people food. Eating turkey or turkey skin – even in a small amount – can cause a potentially life-threatening condition called pancreatitis. Other foods that are taboo for Fido include bread dough, onions, raisins, grapes, nuts and chocolates. If you want to give your pup a special holiday treat, buy or bake one especially made for her.

Be careful with decorations. Some flowers and festive plants can also be harmful for pets including baby’s breath, some ferns, hydrangeas, and amaryllis. Be safe rather than sorry and keep your pets away from all plants and table décor. (Check out the ASPCA’s list of toxic plants for pets.)

Be sensitive to your pet’s needs. If you are hosting a small gathering with your pandemic pod, remember that your pet might rather not take part. If you have an anxious pet, put him in a quiet bedroom or crate with a favorite toy, access to water and a cozy bed.

Lastly, don’t forget to make time to get outside with your pet on Thanksgiving Day. It’s good for you and them.

The TurfMutt Foundation team wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving!