October 10th

Today is World Mental Health Day, a good reason to revisit a few of the mental health benefits of nature – even the nature in your own backyard!

Nature's benefits on mental health.

It’s World Mental Health Day – here are a few ways nature impacts mental health.

1. Researchers have found that exercising – and for the greatest benefit doing it outside – is comparable to anti-depressants in people with mild to moderate depression.

2. There are a number of studies linking access to green space to stress reduction. In one study researchers found that trees and green space are a major predictor of longevity.

3. Healing gardens have been found to have a positive impact on veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

4. Mowing the grass can actually improve your mood. Research shows a chemical released by a freshly mowed lawn makes people feel happy.

How have you experienced nature’s benefits to your mental and physical wellbeing? Share with us here, or on the TurfMutt Facebook page.