October 29th

happy funny child girl riding her dog in wheelbarrow in autumn garden, candid outdoor capture, kids playing with pets

Dog owners will tell you there’s nothing quite like having (wo)man’s best friend by your side. But did you know that science proves dog ownership is actually good for your health? Here are the top 5 scientific reasons why having a pooch in your life is good for your body, mind and spirit.

Why is owning a dog good for your health?

Get a move on. Dog owners are more likely to engage in moderate physical activity than non-dog owners. In fact, dog owners walk an average of 300 minutes per week, while those without a dog walk 168 minutes per week on average.

Play time. Playing with or even just petting a dog lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate, regulates breathing and relaxes muscle tension. Remember, no one knows and loves your backyard like the family dog, so make time to get out and enjoy his favorite “room” at your property!

True love. Who doesn’t love some canine cuddle time? When dogs and humans interact with one another they get a dose of oxytocin, a.k.a. the “cuddle hormone.”

Life expectancy. Dog ownership is linked to a 21% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Canine connection. Connection with your dog goes beyond your relationship with your furry friend. Scientists discovered that having a strong attachment to a pet makes people feel more connected to their communities and to their human relationships.

To learn more about the health benefits of your living landscapes – and enjoying them with your pup – go to SaveLivingLandscapes.com.