December 28th

‘Tis the season for resolution making. Because of the pandemic, we have gained a fuller understanding of the importance of the outdoors, including our yard, parks and other community green spaces. They are essential to our well-being, to enabling us to connect with others and to nature itself. That’s why the TurfMutt Foundation’s spokesdog Mo-Mo knows that this year it is especially important to resolve to be an “outsider”.

Here are 5 reasons you should plan to spend more time outside in 2021.

Connecting outdoor is safe. Unplugging from your computer, smartphone and television is important and can be accomplished by simply going outside. Epidemiologists agree outside is still the safest place to gather (socially distanced, of course).

Outdoor time elevates moods. Exposure to natural light raises levels of serotonin, the body’s “happy chemical.” Sunlight is also a good way to get a natural dose of vitamin D, which is good for your bones and immune system.

Boost your energy. Spending time in nature and breathing fresh air increases energy levels in 90 percent of people, according to research.

Activity boosts immunity. According to MedlinePlus, exercise helps decrease your risk for heart disease, maintains bone health and can help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways.

Taking care of your yard is a good way to log some time outside and it helps prepare it for spring. If you’re using a snowthrower, chainsaw or other outdoor power equipment to do some of the heavy lifting this winter, remember to read the owner’s manual first and abide by all safety precautions.

For more information on the benefits of being an outsider, go to