June 9th

bird in blooming tree

Have you been noticing the birds in your backyard and neighborhood more than ever before? If so, you’re not alone. More people are taking an interest in birds while they’re staying closer to home in the era of COVID-19.

Birds – particularly hummingbirds – are important pollinators. With June being National Pollinators Month, here are 5 tips for enjoying and supporting the birds in your own backyard.

  • Plant native trees & shrubs. Plants that are best suited for your climate and location will offer the best food and habitat for your local bird population.
  • Choose a variety of plants. By selecting a variety of native plants – and those that bloom at different times throughout the year – you will be rewarded with a variety of bird species.
  • Pick food-producing plants. Selecting plant varieties with flowers, berries or seeds will provide food sources for birds throughout the cold winter months.
  • Protect your trees. Birds need trees for perching, nesting and roosting. They are also important for keeping birds safe from predators.
  • Add a water feature. Birds also need fresh, clean water for bathing and drinking. Adding a water feature to your backyard not only helps our feathered friends; it also gives you another way to experience their antics up close!

To learn more about the importance of our living landscapes for pollinators, people, and the planet, go to TurfMutt.com.