April 26th

Kris Kiser holds Mully in front of a TurfMutt poster

Kris Kiser and Mo-Mo at the TurfMutt Foundation offices.

Did you know that this Friday is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day? It is celebrated each year on April 30 to raise awareness for the millions of shelter pets in need of a loving home.

According to the ASPCA, about 6.5 million pets enter US shelters each year – about 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats. About 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year – evenly split between dogs and cats. Another 710,000 animals who enter the shelter as strays are returned to their owners (620,000 dogs and 90,000 cats), underscoring the importance of micro-chipping your pets.

The TurfMutt Foundation is committed to pet adoption. The inspiration for the TurfMutt Foundation education program was a rescue pup named Lucky. The new spokesdog, Mo-Mo, is also a shelter pup. To bolster its commitment to animal rescue, the TurfMutt Foundation hosts Lucky’s Mutt Madness pet adoption event through a partnership with the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) at the annual GIE+EXPO in Louisville each year. This is where Mo-Mo was adopted by TurfMutt president, Kris Kiser.

If you are considering adding a pet to your pack, we encourage you to visit your local shelter to find the perfect addition to your family. To learn more about the story behind the TurfMutt Foundation, click here.