April 12th

This month is National Lawn Care Month.  Makes sense as lawns across the country begin to grow faster and become more lush.  This is also the time to remind ourselves how to take care of the lawn responsibly so that it grows healthy without the need for too much water.  The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Education issued tips last year for April Lawn Care Month that you may find interesting. 

Especially tips on how to maximize the grass clippings:

Did you know that a half-acre lawn in New England produces more than 3 tons or nearly 260 bags of grass clippings each year? Think of all the time, money and effort it would take to bag all those clippings. Why go through all that hassle when it’s really not necessary? You can have a healthy green lawn by leaving grass clippings where they fall! 

Recycling clippings back into the lawn requires less effort than disposing of them as waste. No one has to handle the clippings – not you, not your lawn care professional and not the waste management crew. You can reduce your mowing time by nearly 40 percent by not bagging, and spend less money on fertilizer and trash bags. And by not trashing grass, you’ll be doing your part for the environment by reducing waste!

Other tips you can find here