June 25th

You work hard on your landscape to ensure it’s  good to look at, but why not add some elements that make it good to eat, as well? There are several ways you can make your landscape beautiful and delicious. Here are some tips. For a fun summer activity with the kids, check out TurfMutt’s “Eat Your Plants” lesson plan.

Strawberry plants make a nice, edible element to landscaping.

Photo courtesy of birdsandbloomsblog.com


Trees: Apple, apricot, pear and cherry are beautiful and fruitful trees.

Shrubs: Fruiting shrubs are a great option if you’ve always wanted a fruit tree, but don’t have the space to accommodate one. Consider currants and gooseberries for small shrubs that are big on fruit.

Containers: Container gardening is a wonderful way to grow edibles even if you don’t have a lot of space to plant a traditional garden. Try herbs, tomatoes, peppers and beans.

Vines: Instead of simply ornamental, why not plant vines that are edible, like grape vines? Grapes must be planted in a hot, sunny spot in order for the fruit to ripen, so check with your local nursery to determine which vine varieties are best.

Ground covers: Spreading ground cover is low-maintenance way to add texture – and taste! –  to a yard. Try strawberry plants or culinary thyme.

What are your favorite edible landscaping ideas? Share your thoughts and photos on the TurfMutt Facebook page.