October 16th

AvatarBy Mutt Mulligan

Fall Yard Care Checklist

You may think that fall means yard work is behind you. But, not so fast! Here’s a checklist of chores you and your family can do now to make your yard healthier and more beautiful next spring.

Fall Lawn Care Tips

1. Plant trees and shrubs, as well as any bulbs you want to bloom in spring. Be sure to plant native species so they will thrive in your climate. Consult TurfMutt’s Ecosystems Map for information.

2. Keep up with the raking. Grass needs to “breathe” but falling leaves can smother it and leave it susceptible to ice damage. Remove leaves and other debris regularly to keep the lawn healthy. There are many ways to accomplish this chore. Rake it the old fashioned way, and consider making a game of it with your entire family! A leaf blower is another option. Even the lawnmower, which can shred then collect the leaves in its bag, is a good choice for quick clean-up.

3. Prepare your vegetable and plant gardens for their winter’s nap. Remove the dead plant debris from the beds. (Tip: you can compost it if the plants aren’t diseased.) Then pull any weeds (this will make weeding easier in the spring). Next work the soil with a rototiller. Finally, add any mulch you are using (fallen leaves that have been run through the lawn mower are a good option!).

Do you have any fall yard chore tips you want to share? Comment below, or post on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.