December 11th

The holiday break is just around the corner for school kids across the country. This year, don’t let cabin fever get the best of your family. Instead, take TurfMutt’s advice and take time to explore the green spaces near your home. Green areas serve many purposes: they cool and clean our water and air, provide a habitat for many living things and provide great places to play and have fun!

Birdwatching in your own backyard is a great wintertime activity.


Here are just three ideas for getting outside and exploring the green places that surround you this holiday season. What are your favorite ways to spend time outdoors? Share your thoughts in our comments section and on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.

  • Trade virtual Tweets for the real deal by using binoculars to see how many birds you can spot in your backyard. Make notes about the birds you see so you can look up the species online when you go back inside.
  • Have a barrel of fun by making and decorating a rain barrel that you can use to collect rain water to irrigate your garden, trees and outdoor plants. For tips on building one from scratch, visit this website.
  • Take a hike with Spike (or whatever your dog’s name is!). There is no easier way to become one with nature than on your own two feet. And Fido will appreciate the opportunity to sniff out the neighborhood, as well!