October 3rd

AvatarBy Mutt Mulligan

Grass and arid climates

For those of you who reside in a more arid climate, you might be interested in a new type of grass called Bella Bluegrass – a greener, lush type of Kentucky Bluegrass that actually grows best in places like…Utah!

It is said that is uses up to 50% less water than other types of grass. Also, because of its durability, it requires less fertilizer.  But, there are other grasses, also, that are being developed to reduce water use.  May the best grass win!

No matter where you live, it is important to know which grass types thrive under which conditions. So check out this climate map first to see where your state falls. Then swing over to this article for more on Bella Bluegrass and the research to find a low water use grass.