August 21st

Back-to-school time is the perfect opportunity to teach your family about the ABC’s of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Here are just a few eco friendly tips to keep in mind before the morning bell rings on the first day of class.

  • Reuse last year’s still-good school supplies instead of buying new.
  • If you need new school supplies buy those made with recyclable materials.
  • For lunch trade the paper sack, plastic baggies and plastic water bottles for reusable ones.
  • Purchase a well-made backpack that will last for years.
  • Is it safe enough or is school close enough so that you can walk or ride your bike to school instead of driving? It’s not only good for you, it’s also good for the environment!
  • Add new grass, trees, shrubs or flowering plants this year that are meant for you climate zone.

Finally, involve your kids in the process and make it fun. You can create a “green game” by challenging your children to come up with one environmentally conscious thing to add to the family routine each month. Think of how much impact you will have by the end of the school year!