December 17th

Some of the things that bring you and your family holiday cheer could cause holiday harm to your family pet.

Keep these tips in mind to protect your pet this holiday season.

Keep your pet safe this holiday season with these tips.


TurfMutt has a list of the most harmful holiday items for pets below. Be mindful of these hazards to keep your furry friends safe this holiday season.

  • Lilies are poisonous and cause kidney failure in cats.
  • Mistletoe can cause gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular problems and lethargy.
  • “People food” can be very dangerous for pets. Bones can splinter and cause blockages, while alcohol can cause pets to go into a coma. Chocolate – depending on the amount ingested – can cause upset stomach, increased thirst and increased heart rate.
  • Decorations, such as tinsel or ribbons, can cause intestinal obstruction if swallowed.
  • Christmas tree water could harbor bacteria and fertilizers that can cause stomach irritation.

Do you have a cute holiday photo of your pet? Share them with us on the TurfMutt Facebook page.