February 6th

Getting kids outside is a good way to promote a healthy lifestyle. But it can be challenging to lure the little ones outdoors when the mercury drops.

Outdoor activities to do when it's cold.

Creative ideas for getting kids outdoors in cold weather.

Here are three creative ways to get your kids interested in outdoor activities, even when it’s cold. (Of course, you’ll want to be sure to bundle them up and have warm drinks at the ready when it’s time to come back inside!)

  • Blow bubbles. If it’s cold enough outside the bubbles will freeze into fragile crystal balls!
  • Have a snow angel contest. See who can create the most snow angels in the yard in a certain amount of time.
  • Have a friendly snowball fight. Break the family into teams and see who can escape without getting hit. The winner gets to pick the post-activity snack.

Do you have ideas or photos of your family’s favorite cold-weather outdoor activities to share? Post them here or on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.