January 23rd

little girl and dog running through the snow

When the snow falls, your yard becomes a whole new landscape to explore and enjoy. And there’s good reason to get outside, even in colder weather. Spending time in our green space, even when it’s blanketed in snow, helps improve our mood, boosts heart health, and a host of other health and well-being benefits.

But there are some important things to keep in mind. Use these tips from the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) and the TurfMutt Foundation to keep your family and pets safe all season long.

Check out the Winter Weather Advisory Infographic.


  • Bring pets inside when it’s too cold. As a general rule, dogs and cats should be kept inside. Remember, if it’s too cold for you to be outside, it’s too cold for your pet.
  • Take care of pets after being outside. After walks, wipe down your pet’s paws and bellies and check for ice accumulation between paw pads. Also, if you’re using a de-icing agent be sure to wipe that off, as well.
  • Clear the way. Before the snow falls, remove debris and household items from your yard. That way, when it does snow, you can safely use your snowthrower to clear driveways, sidewalks, and even a bathroom area for your pets.
  • Use equipment safely. Keep pets and kids inside when the equipment is in use. To clear a blockage from your snowthrower, first turn off the machine and always use a clean-out tool.

To learn more about the year-round benefits of our family yards and community green spaces, visit the TurfMutt Foundation website.