July 15th

TurfMutt sitting under a tree

Did you know that living landscapes are superheroes like TurfMutt? Trees like Big Rooty and grass like Green Ranger absorb Carbon Creep’s carbon dioxide (CO2) through their leaves. In fact, turfgrass is the biggest carbon sink in the country!

Grass absorbs the greenhouse gas CO2 from the atmosphere – about six tons per year to be precise. The dense canopy and fibrous root system in a lawn sequesters carbon so well that it outweighs the carbon used for maintaining it by as much as seven-fold.

But wait, there’s more!  As the carbon is stored, oxygen is released. So nasty Carbon Creep doesn’t have a chance to blanket the Earth and heat things up.

TurfMutt has a fun activity that can help kids better understand the power of plants. Download the sheet to complete with your children today. It’s a great way to help your kids continue learning, even on summer break.

For this and more fun family activities – like digital story books, activity sheets, interactive games, and more! – log on to TurfMutt.com.