August 26th

AvatarBy Mutt Mulligan

Landscapes and Hurricanes

We wish you the best on the East Coast with Irene bearing down this coming weekend. 

We found this good resource for making sure you are prepared in your landscape and also go here for tips on operating chain saws and other outdoor power equipment safetly.

Some tips to consider:

BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES: When a hurricane heads our way, it’s important to secure loose objects in your landscape. Look around your grounds for container plants, hanging baskets, tools, lawn furniture (including porch swings), toys, bicycles, bird feeders, wind chimes, barbecue grills, playhouses and doghouses.

After the Hurricane

LAWNS: Remove debris and silt that may have been deposited by flood waters on your lawn, ground covers and low shrubs as soon as possible. Use a rake to remove much of the larger material, and then use a hose with a nozzle attached to wash off the remainder. The surge of salt water brought inland by a hurricane can cause a lot of damage to turfgrasses on lawns, golf courses, parks and playgrounds.

Thoroughly watering the grass as soon as possible with clean, fresh water is probably the most important practice to follow.

GARDEN BEDS: When high amounts of rainfall have occurred, remove all mulches from around shrubs and in beds until the soil has had a chance to dry out, and then replace it.

TREES: Use pole saws or pruners to selectively cut dead or damaged limbs near your home or over your driveway. Make sure you always keep a firm footing on the ground, do not go up on a ladder, and stay away from electrical conductors.

Any other advice you may have for all the TurfMutt readers?