April 18th

Did you know that proper landscaping can actually help keep intruders away? According to a recent report, plants, trees, rocks, fences and other elements work together to make a property more or less attractive to would-be criminals.

Home safety and landscaping.

Proper landscaping can improve home safety.

Chuck Sczuroski, a senior trainer at the National Crime Prevention Council in Arlington, Va., is a retired police officer. Now he travels the country teaching “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.” The idea is that landscaping and site design can help with several areas of safety.

  • Natural surveillance: keeping shrubs and bushes trimmed back so intruders don’t have anywhere to hide, for example. To ensure you can see clearly what’s happening outside your home, keep shrubs 2-3 feet high and low-hanging tree canopies no closer than 6-7 feet above the ground.
  • Natural access control: this principal is all about discouraging criminals from coming onto the property and directing them away if they do. For instance, trees and shrubs that are planted too close to a house can offer easy access to upper-story windows, balconies and decks that are often left unlocked.
  • Territorial reinforcement: establishing clear boundaries with a fence and landscape lighting sends a message that this particular area belongs to someone, so intruders should stay away.
  • Image/maintenance: well-maintained landscape is an outward symbol of pride and concern, indicating to potential criminals that this property isn’t a good target.

What other ways have you used landscaping to increase the safety of your home or community? Share your ideas with us here or on the TurfMutt Facebook page.