July 9th

How do you successfully care for your lawn during the warm summer months? TurfMutt offers some tips.

Mowing and watering tips for summer heat.

Mowing and watering tips for summer heat.

Set your mower to a higher setting to leave the grass blades longer. This shades the roots and keeps them cooler, and it also improves nutrient production in the blade.

Keep your mower blade sharp so that it really cuts the grass, rather than tearing or shredding it. Blades should be sharpened at least twice a year.

Keep the grass clippings on the lawn, rather than bagging them, to return nitrogen to the soil.

Water your lawn deeply – rather than frequently – to promote healthier roots. This helps lawns be more drought-resistant.

What other tips work for your yard? Share your ideas here or on the TurfMutt Facebook page.