May 21st

Mulch.  Seems like an easy decision to mulch plants to retain the moisture over the hot summer and keep down weeds.  But, there are many different kinds of mulch with a dizzying assortment of pros and cons.

Why Mulch?  

  • Mulch enriches the soil and increases soil microbes
  • Mulch holds in moisture reducing watering requirements and keeps soil at a more consistent moisture level.
  • Mulch suppresses weeds by shutting out light and any weed seeds that do germinate are usually very easy to pull up.
  • Mulch reduces soil compaction.
  • Mulch keeps soil cooler in summer and shades roots.
  • Mulch insulates the soil in the winter and helps to reduce soil temperature fluctuations that can create winter kill.
  • Mulch can greatly enhance the appearance of your beds and borders

Now, what kinds are out there?  Here is a resource that can get you started.