January 3rd

It’s the New Year and what did many of us receive in the mail….?  An assortment of gardening catalogs.  It seems they know when we are most vulnerable.  We are already thinking about planting some new shrub or perennial to fill in that bare corner next spring.  Or, we can’t wait to plan our vegetable and herb garden. 

So, before ordering anything or making plans, perhaps it’s time to make lawn and garden resolutions for the New Year:

Here are a few we found, but a more complete list is here.

In the New Year, I resolve to:

  • Mulch my perennials after the ground freezes to help them overwinter comfortably even though temperatures may fluctuate.
  • When studying plant catalogs, look for pest- and disease-resistant plants, such as mildew-resistant phlox, Fusarium-resistant tomatoes and disease-resistant crabapples that will make my gardening job easier and keep my plants healthier.
  • Send a soil sample to a laboratory to learn what my lime and fertilizer needs are, rather than guessing.
  • Set plants in the ground only at the proper depth-deep planting harms roots and kills plants!
  • Use only the well-drained areas of my garden for plants!

Do you have a resolution you’d like to share?