July 17th

If sustainability impacts your landscaping investment decisions, you are not alone. According to the 2014 Residential Landscape Architects Trends Survey, conducted by the American Society of Landscape Architects, consumers want gardens, landscaping and outdoor living spaces that are sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Rain gardens help prevent water runoff

Photo courtesy of www.cuyahogaswcd.org.

The survey, which polled landscape architects specializing in residential design, also showed that outdoor spaces with low-maintenance landscapes and the use of native plants topped the list of “wants” for consumers. About three quarters of respondents also said that food and vegetable gardens are important to them. Drip or water efficient irrigation and using recycled materials for outdoor items like furniture were other ways survey respondents indicated they will be eco-friendly this year.

We want to hear from you! What are your backyard must-haves? Share them in the comments section, or on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.