April 1st

It’s April Fool’s Day, which means you may get taken by a prank, joke or trick at some point today. But no foolin’,  getting outside is good for your health. Here are just a few ways being in the great outdoors can positively impact your well being.

Health benefits of nature

Spending time in nature can help relieve symptoms of ADHD in children.

  • According to researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD show fewer symptoms and improved concentration after spending time in nature. Something as simple as a walk down a tree-lined street showed benefits.
  • Exercising outdoors may be better for you than working up a sweat inside. According to a study in the International Journal of Health Research, people engaging in “green exercise” had lower blood pressure, higher self esteem and improved mood compared to indoor exercisers.
  • Research suggests that time in nature can reduce symptoms of depression. For example Dutch researchers found that living close to parks or near lots of trees can have a positive impact on mental well being, while living in places without parks or trees can have major negative impacts.

Chime in! What are the positive effects you’ve experienced from spending time in nature? Share your thoughts below or on TurfMutt’s facebook page.