Monarch butterflies are facing a drastic population decline and scientists warn they are in danger of going extinct. So, as you’re planning your spring planting this year, TurfMutt has a suggestion. Plant some milkweed for monarchs.
Monarch butterflies migrate each year to avoid cold climates in which they can’t survive. It’s a long journey for these pretty pollinators. They stop along the way to eat, rest and lay their eggs.
Monarchs only lay eggs on perennial milkweed, and that’s the only plant that monarch larvae will consume. But milkweed plants are diminishing due to urbanization, herbicides and other causes.
It’s up to us to save them! So TurfMutt wants you to don your backyard superhero cape, find out which variety of milkweed is right for your climate, and plant some in your family’s yard this spring.
Remember, nature starts in your backyard. Learn more about the importance of living landscapes for pollinators, the environment and our health.