June 5th

Where you position your plants in your yard can have a big impact on your wallet – and the environment. Here are a few tips to help you plant proactively for water conservation.

Strategic planting tips from TurfMutt

Choose native plants to help the environment.

  • Get to know your space so you can select the right plants for the different zones in your yard. Take a look at your yard during different times of day to see which areas get the most sun and which remain shaded. Then, choose plants that will thrive in the various micro-environments.
  • Take advantage of soggy spots. If you have a place in your yard where water pools, you can plant a rain garden there to help prevent runoff. Learn how to plant a rain garden by reading TurfMutt’s tips.
  • Choose native plants. Selecting plants that are native to your area is a low-maintenance choice that is also good for the environment. In addition, selecting native plants provides a natural habitat for many animals, birds and insects. You can learn more about your climate and how to choose plants wisely by checking out TurfMutt’s Ecosystems Map.
  • Compost and mulch. Composting will help improve the quality of the soil, enabling it to hold moisture better. In addition, mulching can help shade and cool your plants, while at the same time preventing runoff. For tips on successful mulching read TurfMutt’s story.