Attention teachers and parents of kids in grades 6 to 8! TurfMutt just announced The (Really) Great Outdoors Contest. It’s a chance for children to use their imagination to win amazing cash prizes for thier school.
The contest encourages students in grades 6 to 8 to enter by designing a nature space that works for their lifestyle and community. No matter where they live—city, country, suburb, house, or apartment – students are invited to unleash their creativity to come up with a winning design. The contest offers four prizes ranging from $750–$2,500 for students, as well as cash prizes for teachers ($125–$750) and schools ($125–$750).
To enter, the students must write and/or draw a nature space for their community. They should then explain what elements they need in their space, the purpose of those elements, and how people will enjoy it. Each entry must be no more than three pages long and include the student’s name, grade, school, state, teacher name and teacher email. Entries will be judged on four criteria: effectiveness, innovation, personal connection and presentation.
The contest is currently accepting entries that can be mailed for submitted online by the teacher. The contest deadline is April 24, 2019.
To learn more and start your child’s entry, go to