April 21st

Last year, TurfMutt sponsored a poster contest. Students were asked to design a poster that illustrated how they and their family could help create and save green spaces

After reviewing many entries, three winners at Herman Leimbach Elementary – a 4th grade class in Sacramento, CA –were selected and each received an Amazon.com gift certificate. The 1st place winner drew a picture of their family watering grass only during the early morning hours to use water wisely.

The teacher was very excited about the program: “We are always looking for activities and tools that supplement the class work in an engaging way,” said Jenny Williams, 4th grade teacher at Herman Leimbach Elementary. “The TurfMutt science program allowed students to learn about science in a new, exciting way.”

Do you have interest in the curriculum for your school?  

We keep getting requests each week from teachers for TurfMutt materials.  More information on the curriculum: www.weeklyreader.com/opei or to see a sample of the poster that won, go to http://www.turfmutt.com/school/