May 6th

Did you know that we’re in the midst of “Screen-Free Week?” It’s a time dedicated to turning off TV, video, mobile games and other screens used for entertainment and turning to other activities instead.

TurfMutt encourages kids to connect with nature

Ideas for getting outside during Screen Free Week.

Getting outside is a great alternative to screen time. TurfMutt’s Family Activities Guide has lots of ideas to help families connect with one another and to the green spaces around them. Here are a few of the highlights.

  • Plant something new in your yard. Now is the perfect time to plant a patch of grass, a tree, some flowers or even a vegetable garden. Check out TurfMutt’s interactive Ecosystems Map to determine which plants will thrive best in your climate.
  • Create a compost pile where you can recycle food scraps, yard trimmings, leaves and grass clippings. Using compost can help plants increase water retention, decrease soil erosion and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • Take a walk with your dog. This is one of TurfMutt’s favorite activities! Whether you walk around your neighborhood park or just around the block, there is no better way to become one with nature than on your own two feet (and four paws!).