January 23rd

Could biodiversity be the key to good health? A study out of Finland suggests exposure to biodiversity, especially in the form of bacteria and microbes, may be the key to preventing allergies and weakened immune systems, which lead to sickness like asthma, Chrohn’s disease and even perhaps the seasonal flu.

Biodiversity can have a positive impact on healthy immunity

Photo courtesy of Home Science Tools.

The study compared the allergies of young people living in housesĀ  surrounded by biodiversity to those of adolescents living in more urban settings of cement and grass. Those living in the more biodiverse areas were found to be covered with different kinds of microbes. They were also less likely to show signs of allergies.

The research suggests that those connected with nature were more protected against allergies and illness because their immune systems were more fully developed.

So what are you doing staring at the screen? Boost your immune system – go connect with nature! Need some ideas on how to get your family outdoors? Check out TurfMutt’s Family Activities Guide.