December 2nd

The health and well-being benefits of spending time in nature (i.e. being an “outsider”) is well documented. (Need a refresher? Check out the Living Landscapes Fact Book from the TurfMutt Foundation.) Now, researchers in Australia have put a dollar figure on the mental health benefits. They estimate natural protected areas around the world equate to a $6 trillion mental health value.

Researchers examined the mental health benefits of being in nature and placed a dollar figure on them by calculating the “quality-adjusted life years.” This measures one’s ability to carry out daily activities free from pain and mental disturbance. Researchers say placing an economic value on natural areas could lead to better protection of those areas.

The good news is you don’t have to go far to get the benefits nature provides since nature starts at your own backdoor. Exploring your backyard, community green spaces and parks can help relieve stress, improve memory, and boost heart health.

To learn more about the benefits of being an outsider like TurfMutt, go to