June 26th

Girls swinging

A group of environmental and mental health organizations in the UK known as “Vitamin N” conducted a study that indicates that 43% of children surveyed aren’t looking forward to spending all day in a classroom after quarantine is over. Even more parents – 67% – said they want schools to try to have at least one lesson outdoors every day. This comes on the heels of previous research that indicates children learn better when studying outside.

The survey asked 500 children and 1,500 parents about the effects of nature during COVID-19 lock-down. Almost 60% of the parents said their children have taken more interest in nature. Also, many claim that spending time outdoors has been a bright spot for their family during this challenging time.

Getting outside has also provided a much-needed mental health boost, according to the 80% of parents who say being outside as a family had “lifted their spirits.” One in five of the surveyed children said they enjoyed seeing more birds and insects in their garden.

Remember, nature starts at your own backdoor, and the backyard isn’t cancelled even during quarantine. To learn more about how to engage your children with the green spaces around them – including those in the safety of your own backyard – check out the activities and learning resources at TurfMutt.com.