April 17th

As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers,” but they also sometimes bring severe weather that can damage your lawn, trees and landscaping.

Tips for dealing with storm damage

Photo courtesy of University of Minn. Extension

Here are a few tips** to help you deal with storm damage to your yard.

  • If your yard was flooded you first need to let the lawn dry out, which could take a few days or a few weeks. Try not to walk around on the wet ground too much, as this can damage your lawn.
  • If the yard was seriously flooded the soil may have compacted, so you might need to aerate. Aerating helps break up the soil so that air can reach the roots of the grass.
  • Dead or broken tree branches should be pruned back. Then, it’s recommended that you wait one growing season to check on the tree’s recovery. Care for the tree during this time by watering and feeding it. Consult a professional if needed.

**Courtesy of PLANET (Professional Landcare Network)