July 17th

The dog days of summer are upon us! Unlike humans, dogs can’t sweat, so they are susceptible to overheating and dehydration. Here are five of TurfMutt’s top tips for keeping your four-legged friend safe this summer. For more information click here.

#5: Be Shade Savvy: Pets need a place to escape the sun, so make sure there is shade available. Dog houses trap the heat, so the shady spot needs to be someplace in the open air. To avoid dehydration give Fido plenty of fresh, clean water. And take pets indoors when during extreme heat.

#4: Car Smarts: Pets should never be left in a parked car, even with the windows down. The temperatures inside a car spike and can lead to fatal heat stroke. This is not only dangerous, it’s also illegal in many states.

#3: Pools Rule: A kiddie pool can be a great way for dogs to beat the heat. If you have a bigger pool, be sure to introduce your dog slowly to the water. Remember, not all dogs can swim, so it’s best not to leave them unsupervised.

#2: Cool Coat: A summer ‘do can make a lot of difference in how well your dog handles the heat. Consider a shorter cut for the summer, and be sure to brush often to remove the shedding layers.

#1: Know the signs: Despite best efforts, pets can still overheat. Animals with flat faces, like Pugs, are not able to pant as well, and are more susceptible to heat stroke. Symptoms of overheating include difficulty breathing, excessive panting, weakness, excessive drooling, lethargy, seizures and collapse. Take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as any of these signs develop.