December 5th

TurfMutt is a superhero who helps fight environmental villains like Carbon Creep, Heat Freak and Dust Demon. This week we introduce you to another one of TurfMutt’s arch enemies, Dr. Runoff.

Dr. Runoff

Meet TurfMutt’s enemy, Dr. Runoff

Dr. Runoff is a “pour” role model for superheros around the world. Runoff is the overflow of water from the land that is carried into bodies of water. The water can overflow into a stream, river or even an ocean. Dr. Runoff is most powerful when the soil can no longer hold any water. The water “runs off” roads and parking lots, picking up chemicals and minerals and carrying them to lakes and rivers. It’s a real problem for our waterways.

But you can help “hound” Dr. Runoff with plants! Planting new lawns and landscape areas help build a root system that traps rainwater in the soil. The water can then be used by the plants. Grasses help filter the contaminants out of the water. In fact, grass can make rain water 10 times less acidic than water running off a hard surface!

Want to learn more? Download TurfMutt’s Student Activities Guide.