November 14th

This week TurfMutt posted some important information on, the pet adoption website,  about how to keep pets safe during fall yard work.

TurfMutt's tips: fall yard work pet safety

Hear TurfMutt’s tips for keeping pets safe during fall yard work.

Here are a few of TurfMutt’s top tips. Read more safety tips and information in TurfMutt’s story on

  • Make sure pets are out of the immediate vacinity of the area where you’re about to use a leaf blower or mower, and keep pets off riding mowers!
  • Clear the area of dog toys, leashes, bowls and other non-pet-related debris (like sticks, stones and pine cones) to protect the animals, humans and your lawn equipment.
  • Don’t forget that clearing the yard of leaves the “old fashioned way” with a rake can be a fun family activity that gets everyone moving.