June 12th

Summertime can be a nice break from the regular routine for kids. But all children experience learning loss when they don’t engage in educational activities during the summer. In fact, numerous studies show that kids typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation then they do at the beginning of the summer break.

TurfMutt has lots of ideas for keep your kids engaged in learning through the summer, while at the same time connecting to the green space around them! Check out TurfMutt.com for lots of resources, including TurfMutt’s Family Activities Guide.

TurfMutt's Family Activities Guide

TurfMutt’s Family Activities Guide helps kids continue to learn throughout the summer.

The guide has nearly a dozen hands-on ways to teach your kids why green spaces – including backyards, parks and community grounds – are important. Check it out for activities that include: creating an outdoor composting area; connecting with your neighbors through nature; and going on a carbon footprint scavenger hunt – just to name a few!

What are your favorite outdoor learning activities to do with your children during the summer? Share your ideas in the comments section below, or on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.