January 30th

Coming soon to a TV near you: a new public service announcement (PSA) starring TurfMutt himself.

The PSA was developed in conjunction with Discovery Education. It highlights how proper care of community green spaces not only helps the environment, but also creates a safe place for exercise, relaxation and family time.

As you can imagine, it’s quite a process to develop a PSA starring a dog. Lucky for us, TurfMutt is accustomed to the spotlight and has honed his “spokesdog” skills at tradeshows and events.

The crew consisted of 30 people from the director and camera crew to caterers, education professionals and actors. It took nine hours to wrap the shoot, and TurfMutt was in nearly every frame! It was a long day, but according to the director he “was a professional and did everything we asked him to do.”

Keep your eyes peeled for the final cut of the PSA, which will be posted on TurfMutt.com next week. Be sure to check back and share it with your friends!


TurfMutt on set!

TurfMutt on set!