May 20th

AvatarBy Mutt Mulligan

Why do plants need water?

Sometimes we forget to water our plants and they wilt. But you may have noticed that you can typically water a wilted plant, and it will perk back up pretty quickly. So why do plants need water, anyway?

Learn why plants need water

Why do plants need water?

Water helps plants germinate by softening the seeds, allowing the plant to break through. Water is also a critical component (along with light and carbon dioxide) to photosynthesis – the process plants use to make energy to grow. Transpiration is another plant process that requires water. This is when plant loses water from its roots through its leaves via the stem. When there’s not enough water, the plant’s cells lose firmness and start to wilt. Finally, water helps plants absorb nutrients from the soil.

For some tips that will help you water wisely this summer watch TurfMutt’s video.