February 13th

There’s nothing quite as sweet as a snuggle with your pet for Valentine’s Day. But if your plans include more than that, you should take heed. Some of what makes Cupid’s holiday festive for humans can actually be dangerous for your pet. The ASPCA offers a long list of ways to make sure your Valentine’s Day plans don’t cause problems for your pet.

Valentine's Day pet safety tips

ASPCA offers Valentine’s Day safety tips for your pet.

Here are a few of the top safety tips to keep in mind.

  • Some flowers, like lilies, are potentially fatal to cats. When purchasing floral arrangements specify a lily-free version if your Valentine has cats. Also, keep thorny-stemmed flowers away from your four-legged friends who can be harmed by stepping on or ingesting them.
  • Chocolate is dangerous for pets and can cause gastrointestinal, neurological and cardiac problems.
  • Candlelight can help set a romantic mood, but be sure to blow out the flame when you’re not in the room to keep your curious critters safe.

Do you have a Valentine’s Day photo of your pet to share? Post it to TurfMutt’s Facebook page.