October 16th

Container gardens are one of the easiest ways to bring a little color and pizazz to your outdoor spaces. Even though the calendar says winter is on its way, it does not necessarily mean you have to stow away the ornamental flower containers for the year. With a little preparation and the right selection of plantings, you can create a beautiful container garden that is hardy enough to withstand the early winter weather.

Ways to keep your container garden beautiful even when weather turns cold

  • Think perennials, not annuals. The hues of the season – purple, orange, dark red – mimic Mother Nature’s coat of many colors.
  • Play with texture. Grasses can add fullness and height to your containers, while flowering cabbages and kales add depth.
  • Prepare your plants. If you want your plants to survive through the winter, choose varieties that are recommended for climates two zones colder than where you live. Also, choose containers that won’t crack in cold weather, such as thick plastics or stone.

Do you have a winter container creation you’d like to share? Post a picture of it to our Facebook page.