January 14th

Snow, ice, wind and other winter weather is upon us, like it or not! We’ve shared how to protect your kids and pets from harsh winter conditions. Now we turn our attention to your plantlife, thanks to tips from our friends at PLANET, the Professional Landcare Network.

winter weather plant protection tips

Learn tips for protecting plants from winter weather.

Cover plants, trees and evergreens.  Antitranspirant sprays help reduce water loss, but burlap wrapping may also be used to shield valuable evergreens from salt spray and winter winds.

Watch out for winter warm spells. If you’ve covered your plants with burlap or another type of material, you’ll want to uncover them or ventilate them during warm days, then recover them at night when temps take a nosedive again.

Prune. Pruning in late winter, before spring growth starts, leaves pruning wounds exposed for only a short time before plants bloom again.

Next time we’ll discuss how to protect your plants from salt, ice and snow removal.