April 29th

According to a recent study by the American Heart Association (AHA), having a canine companion may help lower your risk for heart disease.

AHA study concludes dogs good for health.

Dogs may help lower risk for heart disease

The study concluded that pet ownership, and particularly dog ownership, is likely associated with decreased cardiovascular disease risk. Why? Dogs naturally cause their owners to be more active, particularly with regular walks in the great outdoors. Also, there’s an emotional benefit to having the affection of a canine companion.

But the American Heart Association stops short of recommending pet ownership saying, “the primary purpose of adoption, rescuing or purchasing a pet should not be to achieve a reduction in cardiovascular risk.”

If you are considering getting a pet TurfMutt encourages you to please consider adoption. TurfMutt himself is a rescue dog, and he’s a big proponent of “adopt, don’t shop.”