April 24th

Spring cleaning isn’t just something you need to do to the inside of your home. Your yard also needs a springtime spruce up to look its best. Here are five tips for getting your yard in tip-top shape for spring.

Tips for spring cleaning your yard.

Involve your family sprucing up your yard for spring.

1. Clean. Remove any dead plants, flowers, weeds, branches and leaves. Make a game of it and see which family member can collect the biggest pile of yard debris!

2. Prune. Your bushes and shrubs might have gotten a little out of shape over the winter, and maybe a few were even damaged by cold weather. Trim your plants to get rid of any dead branches and shape up your greenery.

3. Plant. Check with your local nursery or refer to an online planting guide to determine the best time to plant your vegetable and flower gardens for your climate.

4. Mulch. Mulch not only  makes your yard look nice, it also helps your plants by conserving moisture, reducing soil erosion and impeding weed growth.

5. Decorate. It won’t be long before you’re hosting backyard barbeques with the neighbors or simply enjoying outdoor time with your family. Add style to your lawn with potted plants for a pop of color, fountains for a zen-like experience, and furniture for a comfortable touch.