February 5th

As you know, access to the TurfMutt Web site and resources are now available through the Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools and the Department of Energy’s Web sites.

TurfMutt values our partnerships with environmental education initiatives such as these to further spread the message about the importance of caring for our environment and the greenspaces around us.

Just last month the Department of Energy promoted TurfMutt’s Spruce Up Your School Sweepstakes through its Teaching Matters and Green Strides newsletters, reaching thousands of teachers and environmental industry professionals across the county.

You may be interested in another learning opportunity about Energy Conservation through our partner, The Department of Education, and their ‘Green Ribbon Schools Green Stride’ Webinar Series.

On February 6th from 4-5pm, the Department of Energy hosts  An Energy Literate Citizenry from K-to-Gray: A Webcast on the Department of Energy’s Energy Literacy Initiative.


Check it out and sign up today!


Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools – http://www2.ed.gov/programs/green-ribbon-schools/resources-for-schools.html

Department of Energy – http://www.eere.energy.gov/

Spruce Up your School Sweeps – http://www.turfmutt.com/sweepstakes.cfm

Webinar registration – https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/198384864