December 19th

TurfMutt and his pals love the holidays almost as much as their pet parents do. But some of what makes the holidays happy for humans can be harmful for furry friends.

TurfMutt has some friendly advice to ensure your beloved pet stays safe this holiday season. For more visit the American Humane Association webpage.

Pet safety tips for the holidays

Some of what makes the holidays merry for humans can be harmful for pets.


  • Anchor trees securely: climbing cats and playing dogs can easily knock over a tree that isn’t set up securely.
  • Clean up fallen Christmas tree needles frequently, as they can be harmful to your pets if ingested.
  • Don’t let pets eat holiday plants. Poinsettias, mistletoe and holly are just a few of the festive flora that can be harmful to your pet.
  • Secure or cover extension cords so pets can’t chew or trip on them.

Do you have any holiday pet pictures or safety tips to share? If so comment below or on TurfMutt’s Facebook page.