July 19th

Most of the country is suffering through heat conditions that are reminiscent of August, not July. So how do you make sure your lawn survives the summer heat?

Here are TurfMutt’s top tips:

1. Be water wise: Avoid excessive watering, and if you need to water, water heavily in the morning hours. Let your grass go dormant and turn brown. It will green up again in the fall. Use drip irrigation, a soaker hose, or smart controller technology to decide when and how much to water your plants. Go green by using leftover water from your pitchers and glasses to water container plants.

2. A cut above: You’ll improve your chances of a beautiful lawn by selecting the right grass variety for your climate in the first place. You shouldn’t mow as much in the summertime. When you do cut the grass, make sure the blade is sharp and cut it no shorter than three inches. This allows the grass to shade the soil and roots. Collect your grass clippings for much or compost, or leave them to return valuable nutrients into the soil.

Contact your local extension office for additional and localized lawn care tips.