March 9th

AvatarBy Mutt Mulligan

Ready for Spring?

It’s official! We’ve entered the final stretch of winter according to the calendar. While much of the country experienced higher than normal temperatures, now’s the time to really pull out your lawn gear for some green-side fun.

Are your tools rusted? A dash of WD40 can get off most surface rust. For more persistent rust, you may have to soak them in paint thinner. If you’re uncertain, ask your local hardware store for advice.

Do you have the right seeds to match the planting season? For instance, now’s the time to consider planting warm-season grass (as opposed to cold-season grass, which is best planted in the cooler months). For more information on grass-planting tips, visit this site.

Do your plants need repotting? Be sure you use the right soil. Some plants prefer a more acidic soil than others.

What do you love most about springtime?